Customs Authority officers participated in Anti-Corruption training

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Customs Authority officers participated in Anti-Corruption training

The Prevention and Public Awareness Department of the IAAC organized an Anti-corruption training for 251 senior officials of the Metropolitan Customs Department and the Customs Department of Interstate Mail in Ulaanbaatar.

Commissioner S. Amartuvshing, and J.Munkhjargal, officers of the Prevention and Public Awareness Department gave a lecture on  "Understanding and prevention of corruption crimes, amendments to the Criminal Code", "Prevention of corruption and conflicts of interest, and ethical issues" using practical case studies.

According to the 2021 survey on Domestic corruption risk and integrity, the customs sector is identified as one of the 5 organizations with the highest risk of corruption, and it is necessary to intensively carry out work to reduce the risk of corruption and prevent corruption and conflicts of interest in this sector. The participants said that the two-day training, meeting, and interview organized by the Chamber was a timely and effective event.