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1. The project aims to create national content and develop materials to support children and young people in developing honest behavior, ethics and good social relations practices through national role models as part of their educational activities;

2. Based on research, identify and reflect the innovative, national culture, traditions and features of Mongolian economy, and use international experience and methodology;

3. The project implementation period, stages and results should be clearly stated;

4. Consideration of project management and implementation, having a consulting team, team experience and skills;

5. Experience and skills of the project implementation team and team members should be calculated in accordance with the project stage and results;

6. The results of the project and the resulting product should be defined in terms of shape, size and impact;

7. During the implementation of the project, each stage of the project should include proposals and plans for organizing media marketing consulting services for the public;

8. It is an advantage if the project implementer is a local business entity.

Receipt address:

Eligible teams can obtain relevant information at the address below and send their comments and relevant materials to this e-mail address by June 18, 2020 ( or in person by June 18, 2020. Please bring it to the IAAC Public Center before 10:00.

Organization address:

Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Chingeltei District, 5th District, Seoul Street-41 Public Center of the Anti-Corruption Agency.

Phone: (976) -70112465, (976) - (70112467),

Website:, IAAC - Community Center