

520 criminal cases are being investigated

520 criminal cases are being investigated

The Investigation Department of IAAC, during the period starting from March 30 to April 3 of 2020, received 21 and investigated 77 complaints of criminal nature respectively. Out of which, the criminal cases have been opened on 7 complaints and further 10 complaints were deemed as insufficient to open criminal cases and submitted to the prosecution office with due proposal.

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Recommendation was issued for Traffic Police of Khan-Uul District

Recommendation was issued for Traffic Police of Khan-Uul District

The Prevention and Public Awareness Department of IAAC worked in Traffic Police of Khan-Uul District after the fact that the Traffic Police in question was subject to criminal investigation related to one if their officers corrupt conduct. The Prevention and Public Awareness Department inspected the cause of the crime and issued following recommendation to rectify and head off further risks that may be present in the daily operation of the given Traffic Police:

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Asset and Income of public officials subject to rise in the region between MNT800M and MNT3B are being scrutinized

Asset and Income of public officials subject to rise in the region between MNT800M and MNT3B are being scrutinized

The Inspection and Analysis Department of IAAC constantly monitors the asset and income levels that are rapidly or gradually rising and it started to scrutinize officials whose income rose and reached the range between MNT800M and MNT3B through its electronic declaration filing system.

The Department also conducted tax authority to cross check the data in the declarations provided by the public officials. IAAC will increase its monitoring activity effectively collaborating with other state agencies such as tax authority and state registration authority to identify corruption proceeds and illicit enrichment cases.

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Recommendation on preventing from corruption and conflict of interest during the pandemic issued to the Government

Recommendation on preventing from corruption and conflict of interest during the pandemic issued to the Government

During this unprecedented time, the risk of embezzlement of public fund directed to procuring medical equipments and improving safety of people rises significantly thus degrading the health service and eventually loosing countless lives. From cases occurring in other countries, it's evident that products with low quality or higher than market price were being procured during the pandemic.

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83 complaints of criminal nature were being investigated

83 complaints of criminal nature were being investigated

The Investigation Department of IAAC, during the period starting from April 6 to April 10 of 2020, received 23 and investigated 83 complaints of criminal nature respectively. Out of which, the criminal cases have been opened on 7 complaints and further 7 complaints were deemed as insufficient to open criminal cases and submitted to the prosecution office with due proposal.

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Recommendation on preventing from corruption and conflict of interest during the pandemic issued to the Ministry of Finance

Recommendation on preventing from corruption and conflict of interest during the pandemic issued to the Ministry of Finance

During the heightened corruption risks in procurement activities caused by the pandemic, IAAC issued the following recommendation to the Ministry of Finance:

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540 criminal cases had been investigated

540 criminal cases had been investigated

The Investigation Department of IAAC, during the period starting from April 13 to April 17 of 2020, received 25 and investigated 94 complaints of criminal nature respectively. Out of which, the criminal cases have been opened on 9 complaints and further 13 complaints were deemed as insufficient to open criminal cases and submitted to the prosecution office with due proposal. Furthermore, 2 complaints were transferred to the proper jurisdiction.

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Central Bank of Mongolia will prohibit its employees to have any interest in non-banking financial institutions

Central Bank of Mongolia will prohibit its employees to have any interest in non-banking financial institutions

IAAC scrutinized the report claiming that some employees of the Central Bank of Mongolia hold interest in non-banking financial institutions.

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Recommendation was issued for Police Division of Songinokhairkhan District

Recommendation was issued for Police Division of Songinokhairkhan District

The Prevention and Public Awareness Department of IAAC worked in Police Division of Songinokhairkhan District after the fact that the Police Division in question was subject to criminal investigation related to one if their officers corrupt conduct. The Prevention and Public Awareness Department inspected the cause of the crime and issued following recommendation to rectify and head off further risks that may be present in the daily operation of the given Police Division:

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Manual for candidates of parliamentary election was released

Manual for candidates of parliamentary election was released

IAAC jointly with the General Election Committee released manual for candidates of parliamentary election with specific recommendations on how to file asset and income declaration. The manual also includes list of documents necessary for declaring asset and income, examples and features of e-declaration platform.

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