Mission and principles
The Independent Authority Against Corruption is a special, independent government body charged with functions to raise anti-corruption public awareness and education, and corruption prevention activities, and to carry out under-cover operations, inquiries and investigations in detecting corruption crimes, and to review and inspect the assets and income declarations of those required by this law.
Motto of IAAC
Principles of IAAC
The Anti-Corruption Agency, with centralized management, will operate independently abiding by the principles and in respect of the rule of law, being autonomous and transparent, and confidential.
The Independent Authority Against Corruption implements and overviews the implementation of the Anti-corruption law, Regulation on public and personal interests in public service and prevention of conflict of interest law, Criminal law, Criminal procedure law and conduct its activities in accordance with the Law on budget, Law on sustainable budget, Labor law and other relevant legislation.
The Anti-Corruption Agency assumes the following objectives:
- Organize corruption prevention and public awareness activities;
- Register, store and inspect Declarations of Personal Interest and Income and Assets;
- Conduct intelligence gathering, inquiry, investigation activities to detect corruption crime.
- The Anti-Corruption Agency shall exercise the following duties:
- Submit to respective authorities proposals on adopting government anti-corruption policy and resolutions, and on further amendments to improve anti-corruption legislation;
- If it is determined that conditions conducive to corruption have emerged, and that conflicts of interest exist, the Agency shall insist on revising and invalidating orders, decisions, procedures and rules enacted by state bodies or officials;
- Obtain information, surveys and reports from government bodies regarding their anti-corruption public education and corruption prevention activities;
- Obtain necessary information, surveys, explanations, definitions and other documents from business entities, officials and individuals, free of charge and review these materials and acquire expert analyses and verifications;
- Conduct undercover work and cooperate with other agencies in charge of investigative and intelligence-gathering work to conduct investigations to detect and stop corruption offences;
- Accept and inspect corruption related complaints and reports;
- Investigate corruption cases under its jurisdiction;
- Collect data and information on matters pertaining to its functions and keep the information confidential;
- Take measures to ensure the security of the Agency and its staff;
- Obtain written guarantees from officials and individuals to maintain the confidentiality of information that they are exposed to in the course of investigations. In case of violation of the guarantee, they shall assume responsibility according to legislation;
- Transfer information irrespective to the specific corruption offence, identified during the course of investigative work, to the competent authorities;
- If necessary, place witnesses and other persons who assisted in anti-corruption work under the protection of the police;
- Obtain from each respective authority the list of government officials whom are required to declare their assets and income, and review the declarations;
- Supervise the competent organizations’ and officials’ adherence to the procedure for registering, storing, and monitoring declarations of assets and income declarations, and provide them with information;
- Oversee the submission of assets and income declarations by declarers, and impose the penalties on those persons who fail to submit within due time, or who deliberately provide false information.
- Prepare written guidance and recommendations on matters related to assets and income declaration;
- Cooperate with respective foreign and international organizations, and exchange information related to combating corruption;
- The Department of administration is responsible for providing administrative support and funding for the IAAC to perform its duties and functions in accordance with the law.