



The Prevention and Public Awareness Department of the IAAC organized a forum on “Building integrity of children and young people through study curriculam of secondary school and universities” on March 5, 2021 at the Public Center of IAAC.

Article of the National Anti-Corruption Program states that “to organise multilateral activities and covering educational organizations and families with purpose to build fair citizen with zero tolerance against corruption, and to include anti-corruption topic in the study curriculum and standards of all levels of education”. The Independent Authority against Corruption is working with educational and training institutions at all levels to achieve this goal.

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130 preliminary declarations of candidates for public positions were verified

130 preliminary declarations of candidates for public positions were verified

Between 01-05 March of 2021, IAAC verified the preliminary private interest declarations of 130 candidates nominated for public positions.

90 declarations were received and 568 declarations were reviewed in the last week. Currently, 438 declarations are under inspection by IAAC.

 In order to implement the recommendations issued by the National Emergency Commission in charge of dealing with the pandemic and to streamline internal operation to keep up with the circumstances caused by the unprecedented time, IAAC sends the approvals of the preliminary declarations through official e-mail addresses of the nominating institution.

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9 public officials’ asset and income declarations have been inspected

9 public officials’ asset and income declarations have been inspected

The Inspection and Analysis Department of IAAC, during the period starting from 01 to 05 March of 2021, has inspected 9 public officials’ asset and income declarations.

Currently, 5 public officials’ asset and income, and private interest declarations are under inspection.

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8 criminal cases transferred to court hearing

8 criminal cases transferred to court hearing

The Investigation Department of IAAC, during the period starting from March 09-12, received 95 complaints of criminal nature. Out of which, the criminal cases have been opened on 2 complaints and further 9 complaints were deemed as insufficient to open criminal cases and submitted to the prosecution office with due proposal. Currently, 83 complaints of criminal nature have been investigated by the Department.

Furthermore, a total of 532 criminal cases are under investigation, out of which 8 criminal cases were submitted to the prosecution office with proposals to transfer to court hearing, 14 criminal cases were submitted to the prosecution office with proposals to close. As of this writing, a total 510 criminal cases are under investigation by the Department.

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398 preliminary declarations of candidates of public positions were verified

398 preliminary declarations of candidates of public positions were verified

Between 09-12 March of 2021, IAAC verified the preliminary private interest declarations of 398 candidates applied for public positions.

90 declarations were received and 528 declarations were reviewed in the last week. Currently, 130 declarations are under inspection by IAAC.

 In order to follow recommendations issued by the National Emergency Commission in charge of dealing with the pandemic, IAAC sends the approvals of the preliminary declarations through official e-mail addresses of the nominating institution.

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66 complaints related to corruption and conflict of interest have been inspected

66 complaints related to corruption and conflict of interest have been inspected

The Inspection and Analysis Department of IAAC, during the period starting from 09 to 12 March of 2021, has inspected 66 complaints related to corruption and conflict of interest.

In the last week, 13 of them resolved. 53 declarations are under review at the moment.

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Оrganized corruption prevention training for “Shunkhlai” LLC employees

Оrganized corruption prevention training for “Shunkhlai” LLC employees

A revised Criminal Code, entered into force in 2017, legalizes legal entities' criminal liability, and their executives as subjects of corruption crimes. In addition, the new provision on abuse of power no longer requires the existence of damages among the constitutive elements of the offence.

There is a growing interest in private sector organizations to participate in anti-corruption training in order to prevent any risks to business operations and reputations caused by corruption and conflicts of interest, and to avoid the dangers of corruption. For example, in response to a request from Shunkhlai LLC to participate in anti-corruption training, IAAC organized the second training course for senior officials and branch executives of the company.

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5 public officials’ asset and income declarations have been inspected

5 public officials’ asset and income declarations have been inspected

The Inspection and Analysis Department of IAAC, during the period starting from 09 to 12 March of 2021, has inspected 5 public officials’ asset and income declarations.

Currently, 4 public officials’ asset and income, and private interest declarations are under review.

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4 criminal cases transferred to court hearing

4 criminal cases transferred to court hearing

The Investigation Department of IAAC, during the period starting from March 15-19, received 114 complaints of criminal nature. Out of which, the criminal cases have been opened on 14 complaints and further 27 complaints were deemed as insufficient to open criminal cases and submitted to the prosecution office with due proposal. Currently, 70 complaints of criminal nature are being investigated by the Department.

Furthermore, a total of 544 criminal cases are under investigation, out of which 4 criminal cases were submitted to the prosecution office with proposals to transfer to court hearing, 19 criminal cases were submitted to the prosecution office with proposals to close. As of this writing, a total 516 criminal cases are under investigation by the Department.

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45 public officials’ asset and income declarations have been inspected

45 public officials’ asset and income declarations have been inspected

The Inspection and Analysis Department of IAAC, during the period starting from 15 to 19 March of 2021, has inspected 45 public officials’ asset and income declarations.

Currently, 44 public officials’ asset and income, and private interest declarations are under inspection.

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