VACANCY NOTICE /2010.03.02/
One of the main objectives of the anticorruption framework is to support the newly created the Independent Authority against Corruption (IAAC) in fulfilling its objective of reducing perceived and actual corruption in a broad term, in particular, in enhancing capacity building of the relevant staff for research conducting.
The IAAC needs a local support staff /translator to assist and provide translations in development of a model standard of public services in line with its functions of identification and eradication of the causes and conditions conducive to corruption.
Within the framework of development of a standard of public services: the implementation of the objectives reflected in the Government Programme for Action encounter certain difficulties. For example, Mongolia has no standard of this sort and therefore, no experience of implementation of this kind of standards; the public institutions have perceived service standards as a collection of the code of conduct of public servants, rules of their communication ethics and traditional way of communication, the legal acts, statutes, procedures and guidelines enforced with an organization. There is a lack of a policy paper on a standard of public services in Mongolia. The major task of the assignment will be development of a model standard of public services.
The Local Support Staff /translator’s duties and responsibilities are the following but not limited to:
Assist and provide translations for Development of a standard of public services model
- Collect necessary data from various sources and work in close collaboration with different relevant agencies, the international consultant and the Client and liaise with other consultants under the guidance of the National Consultant;
- Assisting with interpretation and translating the documents and disseminate information.
- Coordinate in organizing periodic meetings with IAAC and other agencies
- Maintaining project files and other documents
The support staff will provide technical assistance and providing translations in delivering the following outputs:
- Report of comparative study and analysis of the service standards followed at public institutions in foreign countries (beginning of April, 2010);
- Report of study of the legal basis of the services provided by the government organizations of Mongolia and time spent for the services (mid of April, 2010);
- List of services provided by the state institutions in Mongolia (end of April, 2010);
- Report of study of the legal basis of the licenses issued by the government organizations of Mongolia and time spent for their issuance (beginning of May, 2010);
- List of licenses issued by the state institutions in Mongolia (mid of May, 2010);
- Report of study of the legal basis of the fees charged by the government organizations of Mongolia end of May, 2010);
- List of fees charged by the state institutions in Mongolia (beginning of June, 2010);
- Report of study of documents submitted to apply for a service at public institutions, report of comparative study of the documents collected for application for government services and list of the documents (mid of June, 2010);
- Report of comparative study and analysis of the service standards followed at public institutions in Mongolia (end of June, 2010);
- Draft of a model standard of service of public institutions ( mid of July, 2010);
- Reports of the outcomes of the discussion among the relevant staff members of public institutions and comparative study and analysis of the service standards followed at public institutions in Mongolia (end of July, 2010).
The Local support staff/translator will work under the National Consultant and Chief of Prevention and Public Awareness Division and closely with the IAAC team, and will report directly to the IAAC Commissioner General, and liaise with the Director for the Governance Assistance Project Coordination Unit. The Project Coordinator at the IAAC will assist and monitor daily activities.
The IAAC Commissioner General will appoint members of his staff as main responsible for each of the components mentioned above, and the consultant will work directly with these staff members.
- Education: A suitable candidate should have BA or higher degree in relevant field: law, social science, language, and public policy and administration, etc.
- Language skills: Excellent oral and written skills in English.
- Experience: Incumbent should have at least of 5 years of working experience and translations.
- Computer literacy: Be proficient in PC based advanced applications such as World, Excel, etc and excellent web research skills
- Excellent coordination skills with the ability to function effectively and collaboratively in a team environment ;
The assignment is expected to commence in the mid of March of 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter. 4 months of consultancy services are required.
Consultant will be selected in accordance with the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, May 2004. If you possess the above qualifications, please submit an application letter with the CV, copy of diplomas or certificates and references with last two working experienced offices in a sealed envelope no later than 11:00 a.m. March 12, 2010. Only those successful candidates will be contacted.
Contact address:
Governance Assistance Project,
Attn: Mr. J. Battsengel, Sr. Procurement Specialist,
Room # 304, Peace Building 8/5, Sukhbaatar street,
4th khoroo, Chingeltei district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tel: (976-51) 265-782;
One of the main objectives of the anticorruption framework is to support the newly created the Independent Authority against Corruption (IAAC) in fulfilling its objective of reducing perceived and actual corruption in a broad term, in particular, in enhancing capacity building of the relevant staff for research conducting.
The IAAC needs support of an experienced National Consultant in development of a model standard of public services in line with its functions of identification and eradication of the causes and conditions conducive to corruption.
Within the framework of development of a standard of public services: the implementation of the objectives reflected in the Government Programme for Action encounter certain difficulties. For example, Mongolia has no standard of this sort and therefore, no experience of implementation of this kind of standards; the public institutions have perceived service standards as a collection of the code of conduct of public servants, rules of their communication ethics and traditional way of communication, the legal acts, statutes, procedures and guidelines enforced with an organization. There is a lack of a policy document on a standard of public services in Mongolia. The major task of the assignment will be development of a model standard of public services.
The National Consultant’s duties and responsibilities are the following but not limited to:
Development of a standard of public services model
- Study the international experience of public service standardization and transfer the knowledge;
- Study the legal basis of the services provided by the government in Mongolia, the licenses issued by state organizations, documents collected to apply for a service, time spent, fees, as well as resolutions of applications and complaints; make analysis and create a list;
- Develop a draft model standard of public services and organize public discussion for it.
The national consultant will deliver the following outputs:
- Report of comparative study and analysis of the service standards followed at public institutions in foreign countries (beginning of April, 2010);
- Report of study of the legal basis of the services provided by the government organizations of Mongolia and time spent for the services (mid of April, 2010);
- List of services provided by the state institutions in Mongolia (end of April, 2010);
- Report of study of the legal basis of the licenses issued by the government organizations of Mongolia and time spent for their issuance (beginning of May, 2010);
- List of licenses issued by the state institutions in Mongolia (mid of May, 2010);
- Report of study of the legal basis of the fees charged by the government organizations of Mongolia end of May, 2010);
- List of fees charged by the state institutions in Mongolia (beginning of June, 2010);
- Report of study of documents submitted to apply for a service at public institutions, report of comparative study of the documents collected for application for government services and list of the documents (mid of June, 2010);
- Report of comparative study and analysis of the service standards followed at public institutions in Mongolia (end of June, 2010);
- Draft of a model standard of service of public institutions ( mid of July, 2010);
- Reports of the outcomes of the discussion among the relevant staff members of public institutions and comparative study and analysis of the service standards followed at public institutions in Mongolia (end of July, 2010).
The consultant will work under the Chief of Prevention and Public Awareness Division and closely with the IAAC team as well with a translator who will join , and will report directly to the IAAC Commissioner General, and liaise with the Director for the Governance Assistance Project Coordination Unit. The Project Coordinator at the IAAC will assist and monitor daily activities.
The IAAC Commissioner General will appoint members of his staff as main responsible for each of the components mentioned above, and the consultant will work directly with these staff members.
- Education: A suitable candidate should have MA or higher degree in relevant field: law and public policy and administration.
- Experience: Incumbent should have at least of 5 years experience of working in public institution. Shall be experienced in developing draft documents and legal bills. Shall have skills of analyzing laws and regulations. Shall have skills of analyzing theoretical and research materials and providing assessment and conclusions
- Language skills: Good oral and written skills in English.
- Computer literacy: Be proficient in PC based advanced applications such as World, Excel, etc and excellent web research skills
- Capacity building: Provide training as well as technical input to the IAAC
- Excellent coordination skills with the ability to function effectively and collaboratively in a team environment ;
The assignment is expected to commence in the mid of March of 2010 or as soon as possible thereafter. 4 months of consultancy services are required.
Consultant will be selected in accordance with the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, May 2004. If you possess the above qualifications, please submit an application letter with the CV, copy of diplomas or certificates and references with last two working experienced offices in a sealed envelope no later than 11:00 a.m. March 12, 2010. Only those successful candidates will be contacted.
Contact address:
Governance Assistance Project,
Attn: Mr. J. Battsengel, Sr. Procurement Specialist,
Room # 304, Peace Building 8/5, Sukhbaatar street,
4th khoroo, Chingeltei district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tel: (976-51) 265-782;