Apr 14, 2021         30

Draft code of conduct for members of parliament has been submitted

Members of the Parliament S.Byambatsogt, S.Ganbaatar, N.Ganibal and L.Enkh-Amgalan led by MP B.Bat-Erdene, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Ethics and Discipline of the Parliament, submitted a Resolution of the Parliament on approving the “Code of Conduct for members of the Mongolian Parliament” to G.Zandanshatar, Chairman of the Parliament.

The Current Code of Conduct for members of the Mongolian Parliament has been approved by Parliament Resolution No. 34 which is in force since 2009.

In accordance with the resolution No. 45 of the Chairman of the Parliament on November 6, 2020, the working group has been established for drafting and submitting "Code of Conduct for members of the Mongolian Parliament".

The working group has drafted a revised version of the code.

The purpose of the revised “Code of Conduct for members of the Mongolian Parliament” is to aid Members of Parliament to live up to their oath and carry out their duty. The oath is as follows, “as an ambassador of my people, I respect the interests of all citizens and the state, respect the state, history, and cultural traditions of Mongolia, I swear to uphold the Constitution of the country, to be free from corruption and conflicts of interest, and to fulfill my duties honestly as a member. If I break this oath, I will be held accountable by the law".

Furthermore, MP's oath was revised last year. The previous oath stated, "As an ambassador of the Mongolian Parliament, I swear to uphold the interests of all citizens and the state, to uphold the law of the land, and to fulfill my duties as a member". This change was proposed by the Independent Authority Against Corruption.

Draft Code of Conduct for members of the Mongolian Parliament has 12 chapters, 70 articles, and 31 sub-clauses. According to the draft code, the Standing Committee on Ethics and Discipline will impose sanctions on members who violate the rules, with a warning, stern warning, apologies, and a 20 percent reduction in salary for up to 6 months.

The initiators of the draft believe that the approval of the code will allow the member of the Parliament to build the trust of the state and the public as an ambassador of the people, gain their trust, be free from corruption and conflicts of interest, and faithfully fulfill their oath.

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