Sep 11, 2020         27

ministry of Mining and heavy industry TO cooperate with IAAC for prevention of corruption and improvement of ethics

Working group headed by D.Dulamsuren, Head of Prevention and Public Awareness Department held an official meeting with G.Yondon, Minister of Mining and Heavy Industry. During the meeting, representatives of IAAC introduced an overview of the current situation of corruption in the mining sector, petitions, complaints, information submitted by citizens and organizations, government resolutions in the sector, complaints related to mining exploration, exploitation, and rehabilitation activities. Also exchanged views on the further cooperation. G.Yondon, Minister of Mining and Heavy Industry said, “We will implement e-policy to facilitate time-consuming and cumbersome activities related to the mining sector, such as obtaining licenses, permits, and official documents. Also, will seek the feedback of non-governmental organizations in this area and cooperate with them. We will improve the ethics and communications of employees in the mining sector.” The Ministry will cooperate with IAAC for reducing the risk of corruption, and conflict of interests.    

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