A MEeTing with chaiRMAN of the anti-corruption agency of kazakhstan
Mr. Z.Dashdavaa, Director and General Commissioner of IAAC held an online meeting with Mr. Alik Shpekbayev, Chairman of the Anti-corruption Agency of Kazakhstan to exchange views on bilateral cooperation. Heads of departments and divisions of the two organizations attended the meeting to discusse possible cooperation activities between the parties. The directors of the two organizations met for the first time in November 2019 during the Conference of the International Anti-Corruption Academy in Nursultan city.
The Anti-corruption Agency of Kazakhstan was established on June 13, 2019. This is an independent with functions of corruption prevention and investigation.
During the meeting, Mr. Alik Shpekbayev emphasized that the Anti-corruption Agency of Kazakhstan was established recently, so there is much to learn from the achievements, success and experience of IAAC Mongolia which successfully operates for the 13th year. He expressed his desire to expand cooperation in the future and invited to Commissioner General of IAAC to make an official visit to Nursultan city after the pandemic.
Commissioner General Mr. Z.Dashdavaa noted the importance of regional cooperation in the fight against corruption, money laundering and asset recovery. He continued that IAAC colleagues will be glad to share our knowledge and experience in the fight against corruption, prevention and awareness activities, and verification of asset disclosure of public officials.