Sep 09, 2020         29

To INTENSIFY EFFORTS for prevention of corruption and conflict of interest in education sector

Representative of IAAC held a meeting with L.Tsedensuren, Minister of Education and Science, introduced the current situation of corruption in the education sector, and exchanged opinions on working cooperatively in the field of corruption prevention in the education sector. During the meeting, D.Dulamsuren, Head of the Prevention and Public Awareness Department of IAAC said that “Education sector is considered prone to the risk of corruption. According to the result of the Integrity Assessment, the Ministry of Education and Science was one of the 5 ministries with the lowest score. Therefore, it is required to change the situation. Some of the issues indicated in the National Anti-Corruption Program are included in the Government Action Plan 2020-2024. This is an an opportunity to implement the program effectively. The government provides opportunities to address many issues that caused citizens frustration, bureaucracy and difficulties within the development of e-government. The Ministry of Education and Science is applauded for getting started to offer its services online.” L.Tsedevsuren, Minister of Education and Science informed the education reform policies will be carried out systematically in the education sector such as by establishing “Student Development Center” in secondary school, implementing “Voluntary work” program for universities starting from 2021, providing online licensing service, transfering the training for teachers to an electronic format, and introducing GIS system to the education sector. She expressed her readiness to work cooperatively to prevent corruption.

As a result of the meeting, it was agreed to work cooperatively in the field to review the procedures and rules to address issues that are considered by the citizens and public to be at risk of corruption in relation to education services, improve information to the public, conduct training courses for employees in an innovative way, and to include the prevention of corruption and conflict of interest in the training curriculum for school and kindergartens.

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