1.3 billion tugrugs paid from state budget should be compensated from the official
The Inspection and analysis department of the Independent Authority Against Corruption constantly supervises accountability and ethics of public officials within its mandated duties under the Anti-corruption law.
Based on article of the National anti-corruption strategy “to establish a system to invalidate illegal decision of decision makers upon foundation, remove any negative consequences, compensation of any damages”, an analysis was conducted on illegal dismissal from public office and reappointment to office under court order and compensation for the time period of 2017-2019.
The research showed that in 2017-2019 a total of 796 officials were illegally dismissed from public office and were re-appointed by court order.
The 796 officials were compensated with a total of 4,094,000,000 tugrugs for salary, social insurance commission during their period of unemployment by court order. From the amount, 1.3 billion tugrugs was funded from the State budget and this is inappropriate allocation of State assets, non-economic expenditure and also causes artificial bureaucracy.
Research of illegal dismissal from public office and re-appointment by court shows that 1.3 billion tugrugs should be paid by those guilty officials.
Thus, the Independent Authority Against Corruption submitted an official letter in accordance with article 103.3 of the Administrative general law “…compensation of damages by guilty officials shall be applied by the state audit authority” to the National Audit authority to discuss and resolve the matter.
As of May 2019 and of 425 cases, the Independent Authority Against Corruption has successfully investigated and transferred 37 cases of 52 cases which were are related to politically exposed persons and case period was extended for more than 2 years.