86 complaints related to corruption and conflict of interest have been inspected
The Inspection and Analysis Department of IAAC, during the period starting from 23 to 27 March of 2020, has inspected 86 complaints with 9 of them resolved and 77 of them are under scrutiny.
As a result of inspection, 3 cases were identified and confirmed as "circumstance that can be understood as conflict of interest" as described by the Article 3 of the Conflict of Interest Law and consequentially the public institutions in question were notified to rectify those circumstances. Notably,
The procurement of outdoor led screen was concluded and the contract was awarded to the supplier. However, after the timeline indicated in the contract, the screen wasn't installed. Sukhbaatar District which was responsible for the procurement was notified duly and told to rectify the issue and report the result back to IAAC before the deadline specified on the notification.
To conclude, improper implementation of legislations is causing the rise of corruption and conflict of interest risks which reminds the public institutions to adhere to the rule of law in their everyday operations.
The asset and income declarations of the candidates of parliamentary election are being collected