Jun 28, 2016         29

Anti-corruption, civil rights commission training course




An official from the Independent Authority Against Corruption of Mongolia


participated in a training course organized 16-25 of May, 2016 by the Anti-Corruption, Civil Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea.

The training course is conducted by officials from the South Korean Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, prosecution and company representatives and professors and lecturers from universities on topics such as “Integrity assessment”, “Anti-corruption initiative assessment”, “Protection of whistleblowers”, “Conducting anti-corruption training for public officials”, “Corruption prevention mechanism or impact assessment of review and advices on the law adopting stage”, “Prevention of conflict of interest”, “Corruption investigation”, “Defining bribery as a criminal offence in the Criminal code”, “International anti-corruption efforts”, “Asset recovery and international cooperation” and during which discussions were held with participants on conditions, practices and challenges facing their country.

Representatives from Bhutan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Zimbabwe, Morocco, Chile and Mongolia took part in this training course.

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